
  • August 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Niranjan Vijayakumar, the  recipient of the 2021 Baxter Young Investigator Award. This prestigious international award is given to graduate students and post doctoral fellows for excellence in research in critical care therapies. Dr. Vijayakumar won this award for his fellowship research in the BioMOST lab on the flushing of arterial lines in the ICU.
  • July 2021: BioMOST lab was awarded an NIH R01 grant to develop a novel oxygen concentrator by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. This is a collaborative grant with the Mubeen research group in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. 
  • March 2020 Congratulations to Dr. Raghavan for receiving the 2020 University of Iowa President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence.
  • March 2020 Congratulations to Srivats Sarathy for receiving the 2020 University of Iowa Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.